The majority of the audio concerns are the result of outside causes (bad CD, electromagnetic interference, etc.).
NOISE The following noise results from variations in field strength, such as fading noise and multi-path noise, or external noise from trains and other sources. It is not a malfunction.
The vehicle itself can be a source of noise if noise prevention parts or electrical equipment is malfunctioning.
Check if noise is caused and/or changed by engine speed, ignition switch turned to each position, and operation of each piece of electrical equipment, and determine the cause.
NOTE: The source of the noise can be found easily by listening to the noise while removing the fuses of electrical components, one by one.
Type of Noise and Possible Cause
Operating range
The Intelligent Key functions can only be used
when the Intelligent Key is within the specified
operating range.
When the Intelligent Key battery is almost discharged
or strong radio waves are present near
the operating location, the Intelligent Key system's
operating range becomes narro ...
System maintenance
The two radar sensors 1 for the BSW and
RCTA systems are located near the rear bumper.
Always keep the area near the radar sensors
The radar sensors may be blocked by temporary
ambient conditions such as splashing water, mist
or fog.
The blocked condition may also be caused b ...
C1734 control unit
An internal malfunction has been detected in the TPMS function of the BCM.
DTC Logic
NOTE: The Signal Tech II Tool (J-50190) can
be used to perform the following functions. Refer to the Signal Tech II User
Guide for additional information.
Activate and display TPMS trans ...